
Dermal fillers are commonly used to correct lines, scars or lack of definition on the skin. But dermal fillers do not just correct problematic skin; they can also dramatically improve the look of your face by adding fillers into your cheeks. Dermal fillers for cheeks are extremely popular. Rather than opting for invasive and expensive…

We’ve all been there; spending hours in front of the mirror agonising over our facial flaws. But what is the number one complaint for men and women of a certain age? Yes, you guessed it: frown lines. Frown lines on a forehead can instantly age a person’s face. Over time your skin loses elasticity and,…

Many people feel self-conscious about their lips and these insecurities tend to only grow with age. If you suffer from low self-esteem because you are unhappy with the way your lips looks, you will have probably tried lots of at-home, cheap methods to improve the appearance of your lips. Performing clever make-up tricks using lip…

The dreaded jowls: they creep up on most people at some point, and they can have a devastating effect on our self confidence. But what can you do about them? Most people aren’t interested in (or can’t afford to have) facelift surgery to reverse the appearance of jowls. Luckily, there is a far more cost-effective…

Deep lines and wrinkles across your face can really get you down. Other people may not notice them, but you know they’re there and they can bother you every time you look in the mirror. A non-invasive, super-rapid way to whisk them away is by having dermal fillers. This quick treatment can take years off…