How do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Work?

How do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Work?

How do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Work?

When you first notice those tell-tale signs of ageing, it can quickly start to feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, you want to take drastic action, send those fine lines and wrinkles back where they came from and only see what you’re used to seeing in the mirror. 

On the other, there’s that sense that we should just accept it and focus on loving ourselves through those changes and stop trying to fix what isn’t broken. 

But, in reality, this isn’t an either/or situation – and that’s something we work to assure all our patients of. You don’t need to choose between drastic action and quiet acceptance. You can choose to embrace change, but in a way that makes you feel (and look) your very best. 

Those are the exact results anti-wrinkle injections are designed to achieve: enhancing your natural beauty and avoiding the tell-tale results from more drastic, surgical options. 

Here’s what you need to know about the ingredients, the results, and how they’re achieved. 

What are anti-wrinkle injections? 

An anti-wrinkle injection contains purified botulinum toxin.

Anti-wrinkle injections are a well-known option in the aesthetics world, but there are a lot of misconceptions and myths surrounding what it is, how it works, and the sorts of results it can (and will) achieve when administered by a skilled injector. 

Understanding Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Botulinum toxin is what’s known as a ‘neurotoxic protein’, which simply means that it has an impact on neurons (nerve cells). More specifically, botulinum toxin impairs the functioning of nerves that are responsible for controlling muscle movement by blocking the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. 

This particular neurotransmitter is necessary for muscle contractions to take place. 

This is why botulinum toxin injections are sometimes used as a treatment for certain types of pain, particularly if that pain is caused by muscle tension, stiffness, or spasms. Since the toxin can ‘relax’ the muscle into which it is injected, it can really help to reduce symptoms for certain patients. 

Some of the pain conditions that can be treated using botulinum toxin include: 

  • Chronic migraines
  • Muscle spasms
  • Joint disorders 
  • Myofascial pain syndrome

But, in the world of aesthetics and anti-ageing, botulinum toxin’s efficacy stems from its ability to target what’s known as dynamic wrinkles. 

Understanding dynamic wrinkles

These are wrinkles caused by repetitive movements in the face – or, more specifically, by repetitive (and very specific) muscle contractions. Frown lines are a great example, since they’re caused by continued use of the muscles that are required to frown. Anti-wrinkle injections, works by preventing those wrinkle-causing muscles from contracting.

But here’s the important part: anti-wrinkle injections do not stop you from being able to frown, or pull any other facial expression. 

Why? Because skilled injectors only target very specific muscles – not all the muscles you need in order to use your face as you’re accustomed to. It’s a harmful myth that anti-wrinkle injections freeze your face in one stoic expression. 

So, How Do These Injections Make Wrinkles Go Away? 

A lot of patients are keen to understand how anti-wrinkle injections can be effective at reducing wrinkles, rather than simply preventing them from getting any worse. After all, the injections are made into the underlying muscles – not the upper layers of skin. Does it have any effect on wrinkles that are already there? 

The short answer is yes, anti-wrinkle injections aren’t just a preventative – they’re also very effective at reducing the appearance of winkling and texture as a result of the ageing process. 

Here’s how: 

  • Muscle relaxation means that the constant tension causing our skin to fold and crease is reduced. When we’re younger, an abundance of collagen in the dermal layers makes our skin more resilient to that tension – but, as we age, our skin is prone to forming those wrinkles. With the tension reduced, our skin can smooth out again over time. 
  • Less muscle activity means fewer chances for the skin to fold and crease, which can also allow the skin’s natural collagen production processes to improve the skin’s texture and elasticity over time.
  • Even deeper, static wrinkles can be improved with anti-wrinkle injections. Though, in some cases, it won’t be able to remove them entirely, their appearance can be drastically improved. In combination with other treatments like laser therapy or filler, anti-wrinkle injections can have a marked effect even in cases of significant wrinkling. 

Anti-Wrinkle Injections, and Keeping Results Natural

This is another common concern from patients who are trying to work out what their ideal ‘anti-ageing plan’ looks like: will anti-wrinkle injections make me look weird? 

Granted, there is a certain ‘stereotype’ attached to extreme cases of anti-wrinkle injections, but that over-tightened, pulled-back appearance is definitely not what the majority of anti-wrinkle injections achieve. It all comes down to the amount injected and the skill of the injector.

In other words, while the extreme cases do stand out to all of us, the results of anti-wrinkle injections made by skilled injectors committed to achieving natural results represent the overwhelming majority of cases. The sign of a great practitioner is a patient who looks (and feels) their best, but doesn’t appear as though they’ve ‘had work done’.

One quick look at our before and after gallery will tell you everything you need to know about our dedication to going above and beyond expectations and creating results that enhance, rather than fight, the patient’s natural beauty. 

How Anti-Wrinkle Injections Feel

The injections themselves are quick and minimally invasive. At Look Lovely London, we invest in microfine needles, which are far less noticeable than the sort of needles you might be used to at the GP’s office. You will feel very little discomfort – if any. 

However, most patients want to know how it feels to actually live with these injections once they have been administered. 

While everyone is different – and the experience will, of course, depend on how much has been administered, and the areas treated – anti-wrinkle injections generally create a tighter, tauter feeling in the face. This feeling will increase gradually in the days that follow your treatment. 

Again, this is rarely as drastic as people assume it will be, and you will still be able to use your face! Most people get used to the feeling and stop noticing it anywhere near as much as they did shortly after their initial treatment. 

Here’s the bottom line: anti-wrinkle injections won’t freeze your face or stop you from expressing emotion. However, your experience post-treatment will depend greatly on your injector. Inexperienced or unskilled injectors are more likely to create those drastic, unwanted results that over tighten the face and reduce those beautiful smiles (and frowns). 

Why Anti-Wrinkle Injections Don’t Last Forever 

While it’s a gradual (and safe) process, your body will naturally metabolise the botulinum toxin, and new nerve endings will regenerate where the anti-wrinkle injections were having an effect. Some patients have faster metabolic rates than others, which is why there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to creating an anti-ageing treatment plan. 

In general, you can expect your treatment to last for between 4 and 6 months, although avoiding smoking or drinking can help to extend results – and keep your skin looking healthier in general!

Most patients will return to the clinic no more than 2-3 times per year for a top-up. This gives us more opportunities to review their treatment plans and make sure they’re always working towards their ideal results. 

Why Do the Results Take Time? 

Some results will be visible almost immediately, but you’ll get the full effect of your treatment within one to two weeks of your appointment. 

As we mentioned above, anti-wrinkle injections work by blocking acetylcholine, but this blockade can’t and won’t happen instantaneously. After the injection(s) have been made, the botulinum toxin will begin binding with neurons in the treatment area and, over the course of 1-2 weeks, they will continue to do so until the full effects are apparent. 

Will Anti-Wrinkle Injections React Adversely With Filler? 

These injections can be used in conjunction with other aesthetic treatments like filler. However, it is always very important for you to disclose any other treatments you’ve had to us so that we can tailor our approach to you. 

Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Make You Numb? 

No. This is another common misconception – that, because anti-wrinkle injections work by preventing certain muscles from contracting, they cause a paralysing, numb sensation in the affected areas. In reality, these injections are much less invasive and disruptive than that. 

How do I book my Anti-Wrinkle treatment?

Ready to book? Simply give us a call on 020 3900 2756, or book your Anti-Wrinkle treatment or consultation online.

Not sure if this is the right treatment for you? If you would like a personalised treatment plan or advice, then please don’t hesitate to email us some clear pictures of the area you are looking to treat, and we will happily review for you.