Non-Surgical Facelifts

Non-Surgical Facelifts

It’s a common misconception that we need to take an ‘all or nothing’ approach to ageing. While facelifts certainly have their place in the world of cosmetic procedures, there are many more alternative treatments that stand between doing nothing at all and going ‘under the knife’.

Non-surgical facelifts are just as they sound: aesthetic treatments that offer tangible results without requiring you to see a plastic surgeon, undergo anaesthesia, and deal with weeks of post-operative healing.

These treatments promise fast yet long-lasting and natural-looking results that specifically target some of the most common signs of ageing, including loose and sagging skin, loss of contour and volume, a more textured appearance, and lost collagen.

Here’s everything you need to know.


Facelifts: Why Choose a Non-Surgical Alternative?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking surgery. In some instances, it does represent the best choice for the patient, offering more drastic results that may be beyond the scope of a non-surgical treatment.

But, for so many patients, a surgical procedure represents an unnecessary extreme – one that risks unnatural results, although this does depend on the skill and experience of the plastic surgeon.

Avoiding surgery in favour of a non-surgical facelift brings benefits like

  • Avoiding anaesthesia and the risks associated with all surgical procedures
  • Shorter treatment times – many of our patients visit us on their lunch breaks, or during a day out in the city.
  • Reduced risk of infection thanks to less invasive methods
  • Shorter healing times
  • Lower cost
  • Natural results
  • No scarring
  • Versatility – since these treatments yield semi-permanent or temporary results, they are far better suited to patients who would rather take a more measured approach to aesthetic enhancements
  • Treatment options that work with your body – for instance, by boosting collagen production – rather than against it


Why Are There So Many Non-Surgical Facelifts Options?

In short, because there are so many different patients out there!

Anti-ageing and facial rejuvenation represent a very exciting discipline. Each year, experts from around the world pioneer new treatments that really target specific areas of concern, yielding stronger outcomes while minimising invasiveness and recovery. This is fantastic for ensuring there is always a range of treatment options, rather than attempting to achieve natural results with a ‘one size fits all’ set of treatments.

Of course, this can mean that it’s a little daunting trying to work out which treatment – or combination of treatments – is right for you.

At Look Lovely London, our passion lies in creating the best possible treatment plan for every patient – one that is tailored to their goals and expectations, their concerns, and their long-term plans. We are always happy to set up a consultation and talk through the list of options until you’re happy.

That said, it always helps to do a little research ahead of time. Below, you can find out more about some of our most popular non-surgical facelift treatments.


The Morpheus 8

What it Targets: Any part of the body that is suffering from reduced collagen production, which leads to a loss of plumpness and a looser, less elastic appearance. The face, tummy, thighs, and buttocks represent the most common treatment areas. Click here to find out more about Morpheus 8.

How it works: This is what’s known as a ‘fractional skin treatment’, which uses radiofrequency microneedling to target specific areas of concern. It’s less invasive than a laser treatment.

The Results: Improved skin texture and reduced wrinkles. This treatment is great for targeting crow’s feet and jowls, but also wider-spread concerns like cellulite and stretchmarks on larger areas of the body.

Treatment Timeline: 

  • The treatment takes a little over an hour, as we will need to numb the treatment area. You can expect to be in and out in less than 90 minutes. 
  • Post-treatment, you should avoid putting any products on or around the treatment area for 48 hours. After that, you can go back to normal.
  • We generally recommend 3 courses of treatment, with results lasting between 1 and 3 years depending on the scope of the treatment plan, where we’re starting from, and your age.


Dermal Fillers

What it Targets: Parts of the face that are beginning to appear hollow, inelastic, or wrinkled – particularly around the eyes and mouth. This is due to a loss of our body’s natural collagen stores. Tear troughs, lost definition along the jawline, structural defects along the bridge of the nose, and deeper nasolabial folds (smile lines) are just some of the areas dermal fillers can treat.

Our full guide to dermal fillers is available here.

How it Works: Dermal filler, when injected into targeted areas, leads to a fresh build-up of moisture that re-pumps the skin, leading to a more youthful look.

The Results: You’ll see a change in your appearance straightaway – better skin texture, re-plumped cheeks and tear troughs, and better contouring depending on where the filler has been injected.

Treatment Timeline: 

  • The treatment takes about 40 minutes, which is why so many of our patients pop in during their lunch breaks.
  • You might see some bruising in the days that follow your treatment, but these will fade within a week to 10 days.
  • We recommend you return for additional treatment within a year to 18 months in order to maintain the best possible results.



What it Treats: Wrinkles, fine lines, lost volume, and skin inelasticity in the face.

How it Works: By combining filler with calcium hydroxyapatite, the HarmonyCa treatment offers the best of both worlds: a firmer, plumper appearance and reduced wrinkles, along with increased collagen production.

We’ve got a full guide to HarmonyCa if you’re interested to learn more.

The Results: A longer-lasting and very natural-looking rejuvenation of the face and jowls. HarmonyCa replaces lost volume by supporting your skin’s in-built ability to stay plump and firm.

Treatment Timeline: 

  • Treatment is very quick and can take as little as 30 minutes.
  • You may feel a little tender in the treatment areas a few hours after leaving the clinic, but there’s no downtime, and any pain should subside within 24-48 hours.
  • Results will last around 18 months, with gradual improvement over the first 3 months.


HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound)

What it Targets: Parts of the face, chin, and neckline that have lost definition and require re-sculpting in order to bring out your natural beauty. If you feel as though your bone structure is starting to disappear beneath sagging skin and pockets of fat, this is a great treatment option to consider.

Find out more about HIFU treatments.

How it Works: These ultrasounds encourage the skin to do its own job, just more effectively! It targets three subdermal layers of skin to produce more collagen without introducing any fillers or synthetic collagen into the body. This is what leads to such natural-looking results.

The Results: It’s you, just revitalised. If you’ve noticed a difference in your appearance over the last few years, then the main culprit is your body’s reduced collagen production. By giving that process a boost, you’ll start to see (and feel) yourself again.

Treatment Timeline

  • HIFU takes less than an hour – around 45 minutes for most patients.
  • Recovery is minimal, with no downtime.
  • Results will last up to 18 months, with gradual improvement over those first 3 or 4 months post-treatment.


No Needle Facelift

What it Targets: Reduced collagen production and loose skin, along with redness, blemishes, and puffiness. This treatment approaches the signs of ageing and stress from multiple angles at once.

Read our guide to no needle facelifts.

How it Works: The no needle facelift combines four separate treatments: HIFU, Forma (more on that below), LED Light Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage. HIFU and Forma target lost collagen production, while LED Light Therapy works wonders for the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, redness, and acne, and draining the lymphatic system targets that puffy, tired appearance that lingers even after a good night’s rest.

The Results: This treatment targets the full list of concerns, from the concrete signs of ageing like wrinkles and sagging, to the more superficial (yet stubborn) signs like poor skin texture and puffiness.

Treatment Timeline: 

  • The treatment itself only requires an hour of your time.
  • There is no downtime, and many patients choose to get the treatment within a day or two of a big event thanks to the instant results it offers.
  • Results last somewhere between 6 – 9 months before further treatments are required.


What it Targets: Any part of the body that stands to benefit from lifting and contouring, from the face to the arms, and parts of the body that exercise alone just can’t target. It’s also effective for concerns like hyperpigmentation and textured skin.

Click herefor more information on Forma.

How it Works: With radio frequencies, we can target those subdermal layers – not just to stimulate natural collagen production, but also to cause a contraction of the underlying tissue.

The Results: Consistent, even results in the treatment area. Skin appears firmer and tighter, more evenly toned and textured – and, in the face, that tired, lethargic appearance that can be so hard to shift, even with a good diet and exercise plan, is replaced by a more youthful glow.

Treatment Timeline: 

  • The treatment itself takes as little as 30 minutes, although initial appointments will take slightly longer as we walk you through your personal treatment plan.
  • There is no downtime following this treatment – you may notice some redness or swelling for 24-48 hours post-treatment, but many patients experience no after-effects at all.
  • Results can last for 1-2 years following a course of treatment.



What it Targets: Facial skin that has lost – or is beginning to lose – its structural integrity. Fine lines, lost volume, loose skin and jowling, provided it’s not too advanced.

Take a look at our Sculptra guide.

How it Works: By injecting Poly-L-Lactic Acid into the skin. While it may sound very scientific, this polymer is produced naturally by the body but, as our metabolic processes slow with age, our skin starts to show signs of slowed production. An injection of PLLA heals those subdermal layers and boosts collagen production as a result.

The Results: Subtle and natural, but significant enough for you to notice a real difference in the mirror. This treatment is all about bringing out your natural beauty instead of working against it with extreme measures. For that reason alone, it’s a great option if you’re new to the world of facial rejuvenation.

Treatment Timeline: 

  • The treatment itself takes around 45 minutes.
  • Recovery can take up to 10 days in some cases, but this will only present as mild bruising.
  • Results can last more than two years, with 86% of patients reporting continued effects after 25 months. For beginners, we’d recommend 2 or 3 rounds of treatment in those first few months just to create a strong foundation for longer-lasting results.

Non-Surgical Facelift FAQs

What is the most popular alternative to facelift surgery? 

Dermal fillers are seeing a huge surge in popularity all over the world. In 2019, around 4.3 million treatments involved dermal fillers, which equates to just over 30% of all non-surgical treatments.

How Old Do I Have to Be to Get Anti-Ageing Treatments? 

There’s absolutely no age requirement for adults seeking treatment – and, for some treatments, starting sooner rather than later can be a big benefit when it comes to laying the right foundations for future treatments. The signs of ageing begin to take hold (albeit subtly) when we hit our mid-twenties, and more patients are seeking to start addressing their areas of concern earlier than you might think.

What are the risks?

Non invasive face lift treatments pose very few risks compared with surgical alternatives. While we will make sure you are aware of any risks specific to your treatment plan, cosmetic treatments carry a low risk of infection in the injection site. This risk is minimised when the clinic follows high standards for health and safety and ensures proper training in all techniques – something we take very seriously here at Look Lovely London.

How Much is a Non Surgical Facelift? 

You can see our full price list here, although it’s important to keep in mind that all prices depend on the scope of your treatment plan, and your desired results. For any specific requests about pricing and personalised treatment plan, feel free to get in touch with the team on 020 3900 2756 or email us.