Why live with sun spots? Remove them with Cryopen

Why live with sun spots? Remove them with Cryopen

Why live with sun spots?

In my early 30’s I was partial to a bit of sun in Ibiza and Vegas, living the dream, and rarely using cream! However, in my late 30’s I started to notice some unsightly dark brown spots around my nose and on my central cheek area. The seemed to get darker over the summer months, and one spot was the size of a 5 pence piece! Even in the winter, with cover up you could still see them popping through my makeup towards the end of the day. After trying to conceal them with no avail I went to see my GP to find out what they were and what could be done. The GP simply reassured me they were called ‘sun spots’ or ‘liver spots’ – all benign, but permanent and not removable on the NHS. Benign meant not dangerous but I didn’t like the sound of circles of dark pigmentation on my face from a misspent decade in my 30’s.


I got some creams…..

I went down the usual route of over-the-counter pigmentation creams  which did absolutely nothing to the sun damaged spots. I started to get self-conscious about these 3 pesky patches on my face, and felt like people were looking at them when chatting to me. I then investigated further and decided to go for IPL to lift the patches and hopefully clear them.

Now I won’t bash IPL treatments –  as this light pulse laser treatment did wonders for my overall complexion. The treatment cleared redness and lightened my overall pigmentation but sadly the patches remained. I then went on to do a deep peel, and again the pigmentation cleared but the spots didn’t budge.

I was then at a loss of what to do, so I booked my appointment with Look Lovely London and saw Hannah who has been treating me for a decade.


It was time for professional help

Hannah gave me a detailed consultation and then proceeded to explain the best way to finally clear the 3 patches was to use the Cryopen. She explained this freezing pen would eradicate the spots within 2 weeks and leave me with clear, new skin underneath. I wish I had known about this treatment sooner! Basically, the Cryopen can clear anything unsightly on the face and body like moles, warts or even collections of vessels.

The treatment took 5 minutes and was almost painless. Hannah told me it was pressurised liquid nitrous oxide that destroyed the top layer of the dark skin to freeze off the pigmentation. No aesthetic was needed, and I left with just a tingle on the skin that cleared within 45 mins. The team told me the spots may get darker for 2 days and then slightly scab over and clear within 10 days. I was prepared for this and simply put a little cover up on the area after a day.

Within 10 days, they had vanished! I was absolutely delighted. I kicked myself for not researching this simple treatment sooner and having to live with them spots for 3 years before getting them cleared. Hannah advised me to look after my skin in the future wearing SPF 50 cream to prevent any further pigmentation and sun damage. Now being sensible and after my IPL and cryotherapy treatments, my skin is a clear as it was in my twenties!

Ready to book? Simply give us a call on 020 3900 2756 or email us.

Not sure if this is the right treatment for you? If you would like a personalised treatment plan or advice, then please don’t hesitate to email us some clear pictures of the area you are looking to treat, and we will happily review for you.

Posted in General, How to guide, Skin Care Treatments, Ultimate Guide