Lockdown life and getting ready to reopen

Lockdown life and getting ready to reopen

One year on…

As I write this, it’s been a  whole year since we abandoned the familiar and went into lockdown to keep ourselves and others safe. I know every single one of you has found this last year a struggle. Whether you’ve been juggling family life with kids while working from home, missing loved or simply longing to sit down to a roast (that you didn’t cook!) and a large glass of wine with friends. We’ve all had our lows, but I remain hopeful that we’re now turning a corner, and we’ll soon be able to do all the things we’ve missed again.

Returning to frontline medicine

I’ve returned to frontline medicine while the clinic’s been closed, working in the acute care setting and helping those who’ve been hit by Covid-19 the hardest. I’ve also been working closely with my colleagues at the Covid hub in Soho helping design and run an IT system that remotely monitors patients with moderate-to-serious Covid symptoms and pick up any sudden deterioration in their health. This means we can be more proactive in getting care to patients the minute we see concerning readings. This in-turn helps prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and reduces the burden on secondary care.

It’s been very rewarding to use my skills in emergency medicine once again, but it’s also been challenging to see so many patients suffer. Seeing the toll the pandemic has taken on people’s lives first-hand has been very upsetting. At the same time, this period has made me value life even more and reminded me to never take even the smallest of moments in our life for granted. We need to celebrate our health and happiness and live life to the full!

I’m now helping roll out the vaccination programme to ensure all Londoners are protected against this nasty virus so we can get back to normality by the summer.

I’m no longer seeing unwell patients face-to-face as rates are thankfully dropping in London. Fingers crossed this is a sign that we’ve passed the peak.

Opening again!

We remained open for anyone that needed treatment for medical skin conditions, but of course it hasn’t been the same. I’ve missed Look Lovely London terribly, however by helping people with Covid over these tough times I’ve managed to find a good balance. I’ve found peace in still caring for patients, in a different way this year. Now it’s time to get ready to welcome you all back to the clinic and I can’t wait to come back full-time and see you all again.

Keeping you Safe

I’ve been lucky enough to have been fully vaccinated. However, rest assured at Look Lovely London we will continue to carry out strict hygiene measures to ensure all our patients remain safe during their visit to us. We’ve also given the clinic a full deep clean and a complete redecorated so it’s all ready for you.

Bookings are open now!

We’re so excited to fully open April 12th and show you our newly refurbed and sparkly clinic. Bookings are now live and open on the website. Appointments are going quickly so do book as soon as you can and get yourself looking fresh coming out of the third and final lock-down. Booking treatments is quick and simple and we’re also launching our new Wow Facial next month. Do check it out and book your appointment before they all go!
